

姓  名:彭小妍
職  稱:中國文哲研究所研究員
論文題目:Food and Sex: Zhang Jingsheng’s Regimen Theory and Thermodynamics
  The famous Dr. Sex Zhang Jingsheng’s 張競生 (1888-1970) belief in moderation for both food and sex leads to his theories of “internal food taking” (neishifa內食法, or “fasting technique”), and  “spiritual sex” (shenjiaofa神交法, or “tactile eroticism”). For these seemingly esoteric ideas, he is criticized by the renowned literary man Zhou Zuoren 周作人 ( 1885-1967) of being “unscientific” and “too metaphysical.” Although Zhang’s theory of regimen for self-cultivation seems to benefit from Zhuangzi’s legacy, I will explain that these ideas, apparently existent in traditional Chinese texts, are in fact mainly informed by thermodynamics, a branch of physics that was established in the nineteenth century. I derive my conclusion from the transcultural lexicon that Zhang uses, “conserved energy” (chuli儲力), which is exactly what thermodynamics is about. So Zhang Jingsheng’s regimen theory, combining traditional wisdom with modern physics, forms a peculiar dialogue between philosophy and science.